Asian AV Integrators to Learn About Industry Transformation from Matrix to SDVoE Technology at First InfoComm Southeast Asia

LITTLETON, Mass. and BANGKOKApril 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — AV Integrators attending the first InfoComm Southeast Asia next month will learn about the impact of Software Defined Video over Ethernet in a session entitled, ‘SDVoE, The Matrix Switch Transformed’ with  ZeeVee CEO Bob Michaels as the presenter.

The presentation will take place at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center (BITEC) in room Amber 3 (Hall 98) on May 15 at 2:00pm.

The one-hour course will provide attendees with an overview of SDVoE, an AVoIP technology (audio-video over internet protocol), and why it is rapidly gaining traction as a replacement for a matrix switch when distributing HD and 4K AV content. The key advantages of the SDVoE architecture that exceed the capabilities of hardware-defined systems will be explored, along with the specific benefits it offers to designers, installers and end-users.

“SDVoE’s software-based approach is key to the future of AV signal distribution as it is more adaptable than traditional hardware solutions and enables systems to be expanded and upgraded as business needs change without requiring components to be replaced,” said Bob Michaels, CEO, ZeeVee. “Another key is interoperability, which is achieved via defined protocols and a control API that are standard across all SDVoE vendors offering encoders, projectors, switches and other devices.”

The session is produced by the SDVoE Alliance, a nonprofit consortium of technology providers collaborating to standardize the adoption of Ethernet to transport AV signals in professional AV environments and create an ecosystem around SDVoE technology. A founding member of the SDVoE Alliance, ZeeVee was one of the first manufacturers to offer AVoIP products to the market, and has introduced award-winning HD to Ultra-HD/4K solutions for the pro AV and IT marketplace in the education, government, corporate, healthcare, broadcasting, hospitality, retail, housing and other sectors.